Corelab Seminar

Emmanouil Vlatakis-Gkaragkounis (NTUA)
Structured Cover for Multi-Parametrized Distribution
Sparse Cover for Sum of Independent Indicators

Much research has been done in the last decade on the problem of estimation approximated Nash equillibria in different settings. In a series of scientific publications, Daskalakis and Papadimitriou studied this problem at the level of anonymous games. During their studies, they are led to the construction of a sparse cover for a specific family of distributions that generlize the concept of the well-known Binomial Distributions. This generalized family distribution (named Poisson Binomial Distributions), the cover and its structure, independently from the seminal cause of their creation, are appeared to play a dominant role in Computer Science and have application on both fields of Algorithmic Game Theory and Computational Statistical Learning.
Initially, our goal is to present, explain and deepen on the construction and the properties of the structure of the cover based on this publication. At a later stage we hope to study some of the innovating applications of the construction focused on Distribution Learning
